Sin Fronteras, Without Borders Photo Submission

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Borderzine’s work covering Border Life and increasing diversity in newsrooms by showcasing the best photojournalism by college students. The theme of our contest is Sin Frontiers – Without Borders, but is not limited to pictures about the border. Far from it. The theme of the contest is wide open. We want students to capture in their photos anything that is without borders.

Trabajadoras del hogar: derechos no respetados ni exigidos

Recuerda que la cobija era tan corta que no alcanzaba a cubrir totalmente sus pies, haciendo que el frío de enero entumeciera sus dedos. Lichita era prácticamente una niña que debía levantarse a las cuatro de la mañana, de lunes a sábado, a hervir los frijoles, hacer el café e ir por las tortillas y el pan de centeno que desayunaba toda la familia para la que trabajaba como sirvienta en la Ciudad de México. A cambio de esa labor recibía 200 pesos mensuales, sin prestación adicional alguna y con los que tenía que lidiar a lo largo de ese período. Hoy a sus 55 años, Licha, sigue en esa misma rutina de atender a los demás a cambio de un pago.   Se encuentra cansada y a la deriva pues nunca pudo ahorrar dinero para su retiro.  Y es que las empleadas domésticas, como ella, en México no gozan de ese derecho. Hasta la fecha, la Ley del Seguro Social de México no obliga a los patrones a inscribir a las empleadas domésticas al régimen que les permita tener acceso al servicio de salud ni al ahorro para el retiro.

Kopi Coffee puts focus on quality brews

While in Indonesia, Ahmed Orozco and a colleague tried a shot of aceh, a coffee bean that grows in the mountain basin of Lake Tawar and the town of Takengon. He describes it as taking a shot of tequila, a burning sensation lingering in his chest. “It was some of the best coffee I’ve ever had,” Orozco said. That shot of aceh set Orozco on a journey of learning more about coffee-making that eventually led him to open his own shop in El Paso in February. Orozco is the owner of Kopi Coffee, 205 Cincinnati Ave, in El Paso’s Cincinnati Street entertainment district.

Apply for the UTEP Multimedia Journalism Internship Stipends, Summer 2022

Borderzine is now accepting applications from UTEP Department of Communication students majoring in Multimedia Journalism or Digital Media.  Applicants with previous news internship experience locally or out of town and/or publication in a news outlet, including student media, will receive priority consideration. 
Borderzine and the Department of Communication will award two $3,000 stipends to cover costs associated with completing a 10-to-12 week internship this summer at an online/print/broadcast/cable news or magazine newsroom outside the El Paso area. 
The deadline to apply is midnight Friday, April 29, 2022.  Winners will be notified by May 6. In addition to completing the application below, the applicant needs to submit a letter of recommendation and a personal essay of 500 to 600 words in response to these following questions: 

If selected, what do you hope to gain from and contribute to the internship experience? 
How will the internship further your career goals? What journalism skills do you plan to work on during the internship? 
What life experience and/or unique characteristics or skills will you bring to the news internship experience? 
What contributions do you hope to make in the future to the field of journalism? 

For additional information contact Professor Kate Gannon at  




New technology bridges US-Mexico border at Columbus school

By Lindsey Anderson

COLUMBUS, N.M. — The sun hasn’t yet risen when the first children arrive. Most are middle and high school students, beginning the bleary-eyed walk just after 6 a.m. Then come the youngsters, the elementary school children, accompanied by mothers and fathers and tías and tíos. The families walk through the opening in the wall, running indefinitely in either direction, and up to a small patio and the Columbus Port of Entry. The parents help their students slip on backpacks, zip up coats and plant kisses on little cheeks, then they send their children off to the United States of America. More than 300 young U.S. citizens living in and around Palomas, Mexico, cross into the United States each day to attend public school in southwestern New Mexico’s Luna County.

“Se van trabajando la autoestima, los límites con la persona que ejerce violencia, el empoderamiento, la independencia saludable, y la apreciación que se deben de tener como mujeres”, dijo Brisa Trejo del Centro de Justicia para las Mujeres. (©iStockphoto/RelaxFoto)

Women victims of violence find refugee in Juarez

Lea esta historia en español
CIUDAD JUAREZ – The doors of the building opened suddenly as Blanca, a 31-year old woman, came in nervous and desperate. Once again, she had been beaten by her husband. Convinced by a neighbor to seek help, Blanca reached out to the Instituto Chihuahuense de la Mujer in Ciudad Juarez, an institute independent from the Mexican government that was created in 2002 as the city was rattled by the death of hundreds of women. “It is a process that takes place slowly,” Blanca said. “It is not easy.

An illustration of the incident can be found at the Roswell UFO Museum. (Courtesy of Roswell UFO Museum)

After 65 years, events at Roswell, NM, still evoke thoughts of extraterrestrials

EL PASO – Rapidly moving and unusually powerful storms do hit the southwest of United States from time to time and one of them struck near Roswell, NM, in the late hours of July 4, 1947. An aerial craft of unknown design was attempting to cross a rather desolate area some 75 miles northwest of Roswell when it was hit by a powerful bolt of lightning, according to witnesses, and crashed. So began a series of events that have had repercussions to this day. Interview with Julie Schuster, Director of the Roswell UFO Museum

It should be noted that neither the craft nor the crash went unnoticed. Rancher Mac Brazel heard a loud noise different from the normal sounds of thunder.

(Justin Anthony Monarez/

Soccer at the centerline en español

EL PASO — Juarenses revered and dubbed him “Superman” during his tenure as a soccer star. “I had the opportunity of being one of the most popular players in that team, said César Sosa. “In Juárez everybody knows me. They say ‘Supermán Sosa’ and they know who he is.”

Although it’s been two decades since the delantero suited up for the beloved Cobras de Ciudad Juárez, Sosa said his relationship with Juárez during his early 1990’s career has continued and garnered support for his new team now in El Paso. “They relate him to that special team and maybe to that time where Juárez was really nice, peaceful and everything,” said Teresa Sosa, César’s wife.