Familias fronterizas continúan lidiando con la ansiedad de que surja una emergencia cuando los cruces siguen limitados

CIUDAD JUAREZ — Desde el 21 de Marzo, 2020, los cruces en la frontera de Estados Unidos y México han sido limitados para viajes esenciales por la pandemia. Esto ha prevenido que la gente que solía cruzar en algunos casos diariamente visite a su familia, creando preocupaciones cuando surgen emergencias. Mario Eduardo Morales, 44, se encontró en un predicamento cuando los doctores encontraron un brote en el párpado de su hijo de un año y le informaron que tendrían que operarlo. “Fue la razón por la que yo intente solicitar el pase de humanidad, para ir a estar con él,” dijo Morales. El único problema es que su esposa vive en El Paso y el en Ciudad Juárez, ya que cada uno trabaja en su respectiva ciudad.

Local business in Juarez adapts to border shutdown

CIUDAD JUAREZ — Months after the U.S.-Mexico border was closed to all but essential travel as a COVID-19 precaution, small businesses have been forced to find ways to new ways to cope.

“Many of our clients are from El Paso, so at first, they didn’t come as often because the situation was difficult,” said Natalia Briceño, 23, creative director for the nail salon Durazno Claro.

Jill Biden visits El Paso to encourage voters, echoes hopes of flipping Texas

As early voting started in Texas, Jill Biden, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s wife, began her tour of the state Tuesday morning in El Paso, not far from the Mexican border. Speaking to a small, socially distanced group of supporters at the University of Texas at El Paso, Biden urged people to get out and vote, saying that “for the first time in a long time,” the Democrats have an actual chance at flipping Texas from Republican rule and defeating President Donald Trump in this election. “With Joe as president you won’t read the news, shaking your head … or go to bed worrying about what our government is going to do. Because he’s going to be someone who brings out the best in us.

Young fans voice their support for Beto O’Rourke

Among the crowd of nearly 4,000, many young people joined the rally to support Beto O’Rourke as he launched his presidential campaign at El Paso, Texas. O’Rourke “has, overall, great views for young people and pretty much for everybody,” said 14-year-old Ethan James Rosenbaum from Phoenix, Ariz. O’Rourke is one of the 18 current candidates running for U.S. president for the 2020 term. He will be hosting two more rallies at Houston and Austin after his rally at El Paso on Saturday. Rosenbaum first heard about O’Rourke when he announced that he was running for president.