Fuego Cruzado is a collection of stories from victims of the Narco-war that capture the despair of the survivors.

Speaking from beneath the sea

Through her reporting and activism, Mexican journalist Marcela Turati, recipient of the 2013 Lyons Award, is giving voice to those who lack political power and access to the media. Marcela Turati tried to hide her tears, but the rainy season was still weeks away and teardrops were hard to disguise. As I approached her, she quickly turned her face, trying to hide her pain. But it was too late. It was May 2011.

(©Angela Kocherga)

When bullets turned to ballads

Juárez, the war-ravaged border town, welcomes back Juan Gabriel, and hope
CIUDAD JUAREZ – This city, along with its prodigal son, the mega-star known as Juan Gabriel, has seen better days—we all have. The world-renowned singer with the thinning, dyed hair, wrinkles, and a few too many pounds walked forcefully on stage. Never mind that his voice was a bit raspy, his steps a bit wobbly. There he was, in full splendor, dressed in white with brown and green trimmings. Like Juárez, he was still standing.