17. The History of Love by Nicole Krauss

50 LIBROS/ 50 BOOKS: Mujeres y sus historias

EL PASO – A couple of weeks ago I decided to do my walks/bike rides without music, instead I would play audiobooks, those old titles I had for free I don’t know when. And so it is that I started listening The History of Love by Nicole Krauss. It all starts with Leopold Gursky and his love for a girl named Alma. They are young, they love each other but they can’t be together, why? Because World War II begins to threaten their county.

A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

13. A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

50 LIBROS/ 50 BOOKS: Mujeres y sus historias. 
“… Anyway, those were catastrophes”
Jennifer Egan

EL PASO – This experiment of writing every week about books written by women or with intense female characters has been quite a journey for me. It has forced me to read more, to re-read more, to write more and, obviously, to become more aware of what good stories are made of. I have sat in different places to read, I have listened to different music to write. I have learned about the different techniques used by authors to create that so called fictional world.

¿Te gusta el látex, cielo? De Nadia Villafuerte.

9. ¿Te gusta el látex, cielo? De Nadia Villafuerte

50 LIBROS/ 50 BOOKS: Mujeres y sus historias. EL PASO, TX – ¿Te gusta el látex, cielo? se compone de diez cuentos en los cuales Nadia Villafuerte dibuja a un país que convulsiona lento. Sus personajes matan o dejan morir, se creen libres y al mismo tiempo no lo son, viven en una perpetua búsqueda y en una constante insatisfacción. Todos ellos viven: “para ocultar la inmensa soledad (…) desesperados por huir, sin huir”(9).