Some ways El Pasoans are keeping each others’ spirits up during coronavirus distancing


Source: Twitter @Jara_Films

When El Paso was placed under stay-at-home orders in March, many residents may have felt overwhelmed. But there are signs that the community is trying to stay positive during this pandemic. Here’s a sample of some of what is being shared on social media.

Neighborhood notes
Source: Twitter @Jara_Films

Source: Twitter @Jara_Films

To help fight loneliness during while everyone is stuck at home, some residents are doing little things to help keep people’s hopes up. Twitter user @Jara_Films hung piñatas on the West Side that carry messages encouraging anyone walking or driving by to stay strong.

Caring through the window

Julie RL‎ posted this little bear she had in her window to the Facebook group MOB - Families for El Paso.In March, people posted teddy bears for a "bear hunt" that children could discover on walks.

Julie RL‎ posted this little bear she had in her window to the Facebook group MOB – Families for El Paso.In March, people posted teddy bears for a “bear hunt” that children could discover on walks.

When the coronavirus hit the Sun City, schools had no choice but to close their doors. This meant shifting from classroom learning to remote learning. The change could be hard on children who are too young to understand what is going on. KFOX TV reported on how one local middle-school teacher found a unique way to help children with science and math by pasting things to be counted on her window. Other neighbors put Teddy bears in their windows for children to discover during “bear hunts” through the neighborhood.

Gratitude for essential workers

(source: Twitter: @lobonation)

First responders, workers in health care, grocery stores and other essential services became the frontline heroes of the pandemic. Borderlanders are showing their appreciation from a safe distance and through social media.

Mask making

(source: Twitter: @bulldogsbms1)

Masks are the new norm for being in public now, but store shelves were quickly emptied and supplies are hard to find. Residents, like Ella Keel) are taking the time to make masks for those who had a hard time finding any.

Shopping for others

(source: Nextdoor)

Shortages and rising unemployment are making it harder for many families to fill empty pantries. Others may be in high risk categories and find it hard to get out to the store. Some unsung heroes are making it a point to help get food to their neighbors.

Zooming everywhere

(source: BradleyGenerals)

During this stressful time human connections are extremely important. It’s hard to stay positive when one can’t connect to others the way they used to. Thanks to digital video platforms like Zoom it’s becoming easier for people to stay connected. A local elementary school proved that by celebrating their teacher of the year via Zoom.


Reinventing businesses to meet new needs

(source: Twitter: @TheoryOfRebecca )

Many El Pasoans are unable to celebrate milestones with their families and friends due to the need for physical distancing to slow the spread of coronavirus. Businesses that have been disrupted by the pandemic are adapting to new ways of helping people make special memories.



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