Zen Telegrams

Teaching and Learning and Caring Blog

EL PASO — It started at the dinner table. It was a Tuesday. Tuesdays were a “try a new recipe or fancy up an old one, invite people over, and sit down at the dining room table, light the candles” ritual.  Josie, Raymundo, and Yolanda were there. My daughter asked us to choose a book to take with us into a post-apocalyptic world or to the proverbial desert island where we would be stranded and alone for an unknown length of time, perhaps forever. I remember only my own answer to the question.

Reclaim the right to be curious … and learn something

Teaching and Learning and Caring Blog

EL PASO — If curiosity killed the cat, then I am a monkey’s uncle. This sentence implies that I would be surprised and somewhat foolish (monkey’s uncle) to believe that curiosity kills cats … or people. There are some dark sorts of curiosity that could conceivably get a person killed, but as a society, we consider both garden variety curiosity and foolishness as weeds and do our best to eradicate them in children. At least one of my course syllabi listed as a learning objective “to reclaim the curiosity of a five-year-old.” Five- year-olds have mastered the language enough to want to master the mysteries of the universe, but no one wants to help them. “Why is the sky blue?” “Because I said.” Why do some people have brown eyes and some have blue eyes?” “Why do dogs bark and cats meow?” “Do storks bring babies?” “Shh.

Dressed for Success

Teaching and Learning and Caring Blog

EL PASO — I began thinking about how people dressed and how much money they had when I lived in East Oakland.  I kept thinking about it for many more years. I lived in East Oakland for about a year with a husband who just returned from Vietnam and had some months left to serve at the Oakland Induction Center, least favorite hangout of young men in northern California at the time. The neighborhood we lived in was almost as crazy and rough. On Sundays I swept condoms and hypodermic needles from the sidewalk. Sly and the Family Stone practiced until all hours within earshot, and a badass motorcycle gang roared up and down east 14th.

Almost fifty… and the beat goes on

EL PASO — A good friend is better than a bad marriage. I have had two bad marriages, but I have friendships that lasted longer than both. I have almost 50 friends, friends I have had for almost 50 years and friends whose ages span almost 50 years.  I feel really blessed. It was the drum circle guys who got me thinking about this. Almost every week a group of guys get together and drum.

100,000 Graduates

Teaching and Learning and Caring Blog

EL PASO — They gave medallions to graduating students and faculty in honor of the 100,000th student to graduate from UTEP. Medallions are available for sale every year, and the proceeds go to a scholarship fund, but this 100,000th was a big deal. When you think about it, it is a big deal. I arrive at the designated time to wait in the women’s basketball practice gym with other faculty members. It’s nice to see them.

What a plant knows, how a plant grows

Teaching and Learning and Caring Blog

My parents weren’t farmers, but I don’t remember NOT knowing what a young tomato plant looks like.  There was a tomato plant growing outside Old Main, probably from a tailgate party earlier in the semester.  I asked if anyone had noticed it.  I asked and I asked.  I sent students out to look for it.  I took them there and said, “Here it is.”  They said, “Where?”  I couldn’t believe it.  Most students didn’t know what the plant that grew such a common vegetable looked like.  How had this knowledge been lost or never acquired?  Their grandparents or great grandparents were likely farmers. Growing vegetables is a lot like teaching.  You plant seeds and water and hope.  Some seeds are planted too deep and never germinate, some too shallow and blow away, some in poor soil, some too early in the season, some too late.  And the miracle of growth, when it happens, is enough to bring a smile to even a wrinkled old teacher—I mean farmer. It’s been many years since I had a real garden.  I call it my “zen” garden, by which I mean raised planting beds of different shapes designed around a small pomegranate tree ensconced in a reclaimed tire. There are two places to sit (or contemplate) and a rock wall with marbles and glass embedded in cement.  More artwork is planned.  I don’t plan to rake rocks or anything like that. In reality the crops are all over the front and back yards in planting beds, in containers and in plain dirt.  They include: squash, corn, cucumbers, chile, okra, eggplant, tomatoes, collard and mustard greens, snow peas, spinach, watermelon, pumpkin, basil, mint, and cilantro.  The beans and carrots and green onions haven’t come up, and I had to pull up the radishes that were being devoured by bugs, and finally killed by my daughter who mixed a concoction of vinegar and vodka to kill the bugs but ended up killing the whole plant.  The fig tree had to be radically pruned after the extremely cold week in winter.  Each plant has its own challenges and potential rewards

This year gardening is even more rewarding because I have someone to share the joy with.  Raymundo has helped with all the heavy work:  tearing down an old fence and playhouse, building raised beds and hauling garden soil.  Together we have planted and watered and watched.  Some cherry tomatoes are already turning orange.  The snow peas have finally flowered and are making little pods; we had to add additional support for the fragile plants.  One zucchini will be ready in a few days and the pumpkins need thinning.  Raymundo is eager to learn about every plant, its peculiarities and pests, like white cabbage butterflies that lay eggs on the undersides of leaves.  I am eager to teach him what I know and both of us have more to learn; every season (or semester) brings new lessons.

Teaching, Learning and Caring

EL PASO — I was privileged to be a UTEP faculty member for 21 years. My students taught me nearly everything I needed to know about teaching and a lot about many other things. What they took away from my classroom probably had less to do with sociology and more to do with life. In retrospect, that’s alright with me. A couple of years ago, I had lunch with what I called “the border patrol wives’ club.”  Three or four students were present.

Confessions of a first-time journalism professor

The things that made me drunk with disappointment, challenge and joy are countless—and they all occurred in a period of just 16 weeks last spring after I agreed to teach just one three-credit introductory journalism class.