Junior Vasquez takes a picture in front of local restaurant, Nona's Pizza Bar, for an Instagram post. (Yvette Kurash/Borderzine.com)

Social media gets the ‘word of mouth’ out to retail customers

EL PASO — When Nona’s Pizza Bar opened last summer there was no grand opening celebration and no traditional ads were bought to promote the new restaurant. The Sun City found out through the new “word of mouth” —Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The storefront was ready on Sunday evening and they opened the following day to a good crowd without missing a beat. Once a picture of Nona’s famous LED “El Paso” sign was posted on social media, everyone wanted a piece. If used correctly, social media can help build a small business in El Paso through these networks.

El placer vicario de espiar al otro

EL PASO – Seré honesta: no es algo de lo que me sienta orgullosa pero yo soy de esas que disfrutan, de vez en cuando, el placer vicario de espiar al otro en mi buscador. Póngamoslo de esta manera: usted está en una conversación y se habla de una persona a quien no conoce, su nombre se repite y se repite, se dice esto y lo otro de dicha persona y usted permanece completamente perdido. ¿Qué hace? Si usted es listo y se siente en confianza preguntará quién es esa persona, indagará detalles, tal vez lo conozca y no lo sabe. Yo me voy por el camino fácil.

Bullying in schools can destroy young lives

EL PASO, Texas — Imagine walking down a hallway by yourself hearing people yelling insults at you and there is no way out except straight through the gauntlet. The words fat, gay, slut and loser are thrown at you, but you cannot get out. Each day brings the same suffering as the same people, with a few others chiming in, target you with the same verbal daggers. This is a reality that almost 30% of high school students in the United States face. Some are physically harmed, some are emotionally abused, and a growing number are bullied by “cyber bullies” through Internet networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.