Reporting on the Drug War, a Dangerous Business

EL PASO — As the drug cartel violence in Ciudad Juárez continues to escalate, the news media on both sides of the border has continued to cover it. But now, the violence has spread to the newsrooms —getting the story is a job and a danger.

La narcoguerra desmiente la “Guerra Contra las Drogas”

Tras 40 años de que el presidente Nixon proclamara que Estados Unidos se encontraba en una guerra contra las drogas, actualmente la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México vive en un grito desesperado por el descontrol del uso de drogas y la ineficacia de la política actual.

War on Drugs Conference at UTEP

With violence at an all time high, a two-day conference that starts at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) will reevaluate this “war” the nation has been fighting.