Dog-bite cases are frequent in El Paso, usually in the dog owner’s home

EL PASO – Blood dripped on the car seat as Frank Romero raced through traffic to reach the closest hospital. Three dogs had just viciously attacked his four-year-old son and the boy’s face, bleeding profusely, was unrecognizable. “They were family dogs, my brother-in-law’s dogs,” said his wife, Angie Romero, in disbelief. Romero’s brother was out of town and had asked him to feed his three Shar Pei/Pitbull mix dogs while he was gone. Romero had done this multiple times before and the dogs were already used to him being there.

Guadalupe Vargas, 62, a diabetes patient, lives her life in bed. (Idalí Cruz/

More than a million border residents suffer from diabetes

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CIUDAD JUÁREZ – After 20 years with diabetes, she lives her life in bed, watching her favorite soap operas on T.V., occasionally talking to her husband or asking for something she needs. After suffering kidney failure four years ago Guadalupe Vargas, 62, needs peritoneal dialysis every four hours to clean her nonfunctioning kidneys. “My life is not the same anymore. I can’t do anything. Diabetes also affected my eyesight.