No hay ley en Juárez

La violencia está a la orden del día en ciudad Juárez desde comienzos del año 2008. El año pasado murieron violentamente 5300 personas en México, de las cuales 1500 fueron ejecutadas en ciudad Juárez. Hasta el día de hoy la ciudad se maneja como una entidad sin ley, donde los ciudadanos día a día corren el peligro de ser asaltados o que su integridad sea amenazada.

Bloody Battles Batter Business

What was once a bustling scene of smiling tourists and eager sales people peddling their wares is now eerily quiet.  Smiles have been replaced with drawn faces and eyes full of worry. Courtesy of Minero Magazine. Originally published on Vol. VII, Fall 2008. Since January 2008, there have been more than 1,000 homicides in Ciudad Juárez.  The number of murders in El Paso’s close neighbor thus far averages nearly four killings per day.  The numbers continue to rise each day and have increased by more than 300 since research into this article began.

You can’t go home again

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico –They’re back, still tired, still poor, still yearning, huddling in line in the hundred-degree sun in the northern reaches of the Chihuahuan desert not far from the nearly dry cement ditch that splits the heart of a bicultural community into two alien political entities, El Paso to the north and Juárez to the south. Still tired, still poor, still yearning, on this fiery afternoon in early June several dozen men and one Maria linger in line outside the ground-floor office of Coordinación de Atención a Migrantes at city hall, an office Juárez mayor Jose Reyes Ferríz opened last November to orient repatriated migrants and keep them safe from an established industry of cheating money changers, hookers and other swindlers. This modest and very transitory halfway-haven, a single room with two cubicles, a dozen chairs and two telephones on a corner table, welcomes the disoriented deportees back, gives them temporary identification papers, lunch money and a bus ticket away from the preying lure of Juárez, away from the tempting border, further down into Mexico, back to their home towns. The faces in the queue are not waiting faces. Tired eyes tighten into lizard eyes in faces that strain to make an effort to look for cover in case they need shelter.